Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Just a Peace of Me...
I grew up afraid. Physically afraid, for more reasons than I'll ever go into here, but more emotionally and spiritually afraid. If our parents model what we, as children, deem as appropriate behavior, then it's no wonder that I was afraid. I think my father's real emotions would scare him; actually, I think anyone's real emotions scare him. My father can deal with facts, with logic. Emotions may be facts (after all, when you are happy, that is a FACT), but so many times they are so NOT logical. My mother certainly has emotions and expresses them, but only if it's socially acceptable. I used to take care of my mother and her emotions, hiding my own from her to protect her fragile being. I love both my parents; I accept them as they are. But in the life I want for my present and future, I cannot continue to enable them in their fear. I understand the fear, certainly I lived my life like that for so long, too. But with the fear that comes with facing anger, grief, and all those other darker emotions comes strength....and even better, the room in your heart, your soul, and your spirit for pure, unadulterated happiness.
I understand that my family may disagree with what they view as my OPINIONS (or as my mother has said, "my perspective") on the events of the past. For ME, they are the facts of my life as I lived it. And it matters not if they agree or not. For now, for every moment I can have it, I have peace. And it took so very long for me to find. It slowly crawled into the corners of the airplane as I left my childhood home for Norway at 17. Over that year, it flooded me, filling me with a lightness of being, of my spirit that honestly I had never felt. It was okay, better than okay, to just be me, flaws and all. I went to Davis for college soon after, and the light became a fixture, and I never wanted to turn that light off. His name was, and is, Bob. At first a friend, then my boyfriend, my husband, my partner, the father of our children.....And in his eyes, and the eyes of my sons, I see that light. I finally realized that as much as they give to me, I give to them. I realized that the more I embrace myself and everything that means, the more I have to give. The more I love, the more I see, the more I create, and feel......the more I want from this life.
And at the end of the's this peace that pulls me through the still dark moments I have. It's the knowledge that every day, every moment is a new beginning for me to create any kind of life I want. Finally.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Grab a Cuppa! This is going to be a long one...
Well...I guess this is obvious...another corner of my hive. I love this color on the walls - during the day it's so cheerful as the light streams in, and at night, it's so calming and soothing. I chose to accent our room in red for two reasons: I like the color combination, and the significance of red in Chinese culture. For those of you who don't know me personally, my DH happens to be Chinese. So in decorating our house, I've found a combination called "Eurasian chic" is what suits us best. It's very simple and non-cluttered, with only the things that we love and have personal meaning for us and our family. So...that means lots of things symbolizing both the Chinese and Scandinavian/Celtic roots of our family. Also, the bed and nighttables were handmade by Bob (in the earlier years before the kiddies).
Moving on...
That's right....
I'm also working on Wick Wipes (again fabric on one side, terry cloth on the other...a cuter towel alternative for the gym) and a Wick Tote (same idea, but in a tote bag, so the inside doesn't get all wet with your water bottle and clothes after you change). I did some research, and there doesn't seem to be anything like this around, so I hope that others might be interested in these as well. In addition to being useful at the gym, I thought the bands might be great when your gardening, and even for women in labor. Kind of weird, but you know how mussed up you get....the band would keep the sweat off your face and make you presentable for all of those pictures. Andyhow, I'll keep you posted....
I also am working on these in my "spare" time....
The head band theme seems to be stuck in my head. These are more for little girls (of which I have none in my immediate or extended family!) and are essentially braided. Again, I'm still working on the prototype, so I'll let you know how it goes.
Finally (yes, you're almost to the end), I couldn't let a Friday post go by without adding this picture, because it reminds me of the TRUE inspiration in my life. As long as I have the three guys in my life, I am truly blessed. All the rest is just icing on the proverbial for all of you, a little baby love...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Hive is Alive...
It looks like spring is finally here, and I am thankful. Not just for the nice weather outside, but for finally finding a spot of peace amid the chaos of my life in the last year. It certainly has not been easy getting here, and I pretty much have had to cut all ties from my biological family. I think my parents did the best they could with what they had, but now that I am a parent myself and have a family of my own, I really can't have them in my life. I think back to my childhood and is it that I thought that was normal? Did I ever really have anything (other than genetics) in common with my parents and my sister? I want a life so different, and my priorities are so different, that I often wonder about these things.
So...I am grateful for spring. Grateful that I am alive (unfortunately, in my darkest hours, there were THOSE moments), grateful to be getting older and wiser, and grateful, that like all things in nature, I have been given a second chance to get it right. I may not have had the greatest of families growing up, but I have the chance to now create the family I never had.
Be back soon (I promise!!)......
Monday, March 19, 2007
Interfacing, darts, and zippers.....Oh My!
But Ode to Spode.

Oh I love thee....thou beauty defies description. Okay, enough of me trying to be a poet. I really DO love my new dishes. I have been collecting over a few months now, a few pieces at a time as I find them. The Willow collection is a special favorite, as it reminds me of this book I read as a little girl. My grandmother knew the author and had the book signed for now I think happy thoughts of my wonderful grandmother (I still miss you, Gamma) as I look at my beautiful plates.
On to the sewing......
This was actually my second project complete this weekend, but it's the one I'm most proud of, so I put it first. This was my first foray into the land of's a scary place, it is. I wasn't sure what weight to use, which side was "wrong" or "right", and frankly, the "help" at the fabric store wasn't very helpful. One teenage girl said, "What's interfacing"? Then, the MAN cutting my fabric was busy with the three lovely older ladies talking about quilts. That's not a conversation I wanted to interrupt! I'm having problems with interfacing, and they're talking quilts. Talk about feeling my lack of experience....Anywho, I finally got it all together, and this is the result. A beautiful lined tote (the lining is stripes of varying shades of green...tried to snap it but the little hand was in the way). I'm very proud!
My next sewing project (#3 mentioned above) is cut out, so now the sewing begins. A lot of circles, notches, etc. to be marked and cut, AND.......drum roll, please.....DARTS AND a ZIPPER! Send good thoughts out to me....
Friday, March 16, 2007
Saying goodbye to Thyphoid Mary.... (#9)
Despite MANY frequent pauses to wipe runny noses, etc., I did manage to complete one project, get #2 cut out and ready to sew, and #3 is ready to be cut out tonight. Hopefully some progress will be made on both #2 and #3 today, and I'll some goodies to show off this weekend.
In the meantime...a little Gratitude Friday:
1. Health - I'm very grateful that the baby bees are on the mend and that both Bob and I managed to stay pest-free during Mary's visit.
2. Wealth - And by this I don't mean the material kind...Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't need much in that area (though I do admit it would be nice to have a bigger backyard for my kids to play in)....Friends have been consistently absent in my life, and I suddenly find myself with 4 really wonderful, RELIABLE friends.
3. Happiness - Anytime I can count this among my blessings, I will....Life is pretty great, you know? Certainly not all roses and butterflies 100% of the time, but I count myself really darn lucky....
4. Bandaids - Okay, granted, a little weird to be grateful for this, but can you imagine how life would be without them? I was reminded how great they are when I nearly cut off my finger this morning...running around trying not to get blood everywhere....and a bandaid is the perfect solution to the problem. AHHHHH, life in the modern age!
5. St. Patrick's Day - Always a favorite for me: love the color green (my fav.), love the food, love how everyone is in a good mood (maybe due to a little Bailey's and green beer). As my half-birthday is the 15th and Will's is the 17th, we actually do celebrate (cheesey, I know, but the kid is a sucker for any type of celebration, and oh yeah, Will really thinks it's fun, too).
With all this goodness in my life, and spring clear announcing its arrival at my backdoor, how can I not be but grateful? Now if I could just find a good Irish soda bread recipe, life would be absolutely perfect......
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
A little wisdom from the country....
But this book spoke to me (anyone else ever had that happen?). Bob has always joked about "living off the fat of the land" (yeah, right, raised-in-Oakland man), but we certainly have done our share of vegetable gardens, etc. I think what made so much sense about the wisdom of this book, what made me run over to the local B&N and buy it, was the simple life it addressed.
There's that saying, "Cluttered house, cluttered mind". For me, it certainly was true. Now that the latter part has been taken care of, I'm working on the first part. To be honest, too much stuff makes me stressed out. It may be futile at this point in my life, but I just like an organized space. I like to have around me the things I truly love and don't see the need for much else. So I've been getting rid of, reusing, thrifting a lot of the stuff around my house ("stuff" is my blog friendly word for it). Maybe part of it is the parents I have: they like their stuff, their stuff is expensive, and they like to accumulate more stuff. I've never really understood that mentality, but growing up I have to say I bought into it, as I didn't know anything else.
So, I have a challenge for you all. This month, as a beginning to what I hope will become a habit, I am really going to try not to buy more "stuff". This isn't just about using what I have; it's also about appreciating a way of life that seems to be disappearing. I used to be able to feel how slow life moved in Visalia when I would visit; now it's become much like everywhere else. I pledge to really slow down, take my time with my WIPs, look at all the things I can DO for MYSELF instead of buying more stuff. I know that others are doing similar things, so I'm hoping that those of you out there will join me. Can you make your own bread? Cleaning supplies? Gifts? Do we really need that extra "whatever"?
Let's find the value in a more simple life, a more grateful life....let's adopt a little "country wisdom"...
Monday, March 5, 2007
Weekend Goodies (#7)
So...this was a real shot in the dark for me. I guess that's all part of the healing process: not being afraid of failure anymore. As I have stated before, I'm a real perfectionist, and sewing (at least in the beginning) doesn't allow for that. You have to roll with the punches, err mistakes, and just rip out the seams and start over. A metaphor for life, actually, and one I need to take to heart.... I proudly display my work, please be kind. I know that many of you out there are fluent in the language of sewing, but remember, I am basically still a student in Sewing 1 (okay, maybe 101 at age 34!). Without further ado:
I guess you can figure why he is named as he is! I figured my little guy (Nathan) would commandeer him, and I was correct. After I brought Mr. Flops downstairs, Nathan cruised right on over, latched on to him, and scooted away. I made the template myself (yes, a BIG deal for me), and fill him with rice and poly-fill (mostly rice so he would thus be "floppy"). I used an old shirt of mine and an old fleece blanket from IKEA as the fabric. And yes, another biggie: I did the embroidery on the face myself (drew them on with disappearing ink beforehand). Such joy, such bliss I have sewing something for one of my little boys....I hope he loves forever and passes it on....
It's a Purse!
I thought I would tell you just in case....I did use a pattern for this (a Simplicity Sew Easy), but added my own embellishments in the end. I really loved this fabric the first time I saw it and knew it would be my first purse. The lining is the same fabric as the flower (a little wonky, but I'm pretty proud nevertheless). The flower and the ribbons at the top (to cover up the stitches) were my ideas. I looove, looove, loove it: the purse screams "Spring!" to me and definitely speaks of my return to the land of color (my other purses being nice, but brown and black...). And I did this all yesterday..
There you have it! My first two projects!! And that's not all I did this weekend....once I take the pics., you'll see my other goodies....
Friday, March 2, 2007
All's well in this Hive...
But that's why depression, especially PPD, is so hard to see in yourself. You, and others in your life, start to make depression a personality trait. It starts to define WHO and WHAT you are; it takes all your energy and creativity and turns it into a very dark and lonely place....And I feel extremely fortunate that I climbed my way out of that dark and lonely place....
So...all is well in my hive. You can see that I've changed the title of this's a long story as to why my babies are called baby bees, but they are, and so I am the Queen Bee in this hive, being the only female in the house. And I love my hive....
On this Gratitude Friday (an idea I "borrowed" from many lovely other Queen Bees out there)... here's what I'm grateful for:
1. Contentment - The peace that comes with knowing that you are where you belong and where you want to be. At the end of the day knowing that I don't wish for more than this....
2. Strength - The emotional, physical, and intellectual knowledge that I have stared my demons and my past in the face and said you will not be what defines me. I am my own person; I am not the shadows of the past - all the women who came before me who could not face up to this inheritance of depression. I WILL not make it my legacy.
3. Creativity - The joy in knowing that what I make with my hands, my spirit, my heart, and my soul will express the whole of who I am. That expressing myself will benefit those I love and show them how much I care...
4. Flaws - Yes, I am grateful for my flaws. I am grateful I no longer try to please anyone other than myself, that I can laugh at myself, that I am human....and that perfection is not what I search for anymore. Flaws are what give us character; they are what make life interesting.
5. A place to sit and watch the world go by.....

And as I watch my angels sleep tonight, I know that I am blessed....
A thoughtful post for you all (gosh, I'm awfully reflective this evening!).....tomorrow should bring pictures of something I've been working on....
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Order Up! It's a Blog Smorgasbord...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Little rays of sunshine... (#4)
While I was watching the storm roll in today, trolling around the web, I came across this. Kelli's idea is so wonderful, no matter what your faith (or lack of it) or what your own traditions may be for Lent. I encourage everyone to check it out! I will be keeping you posted on my own efforts for CAOK...and, of course, many of you may be recipients of one of my acts of kindness. Those of you who know me know that I don't need an excuse to do this, but this certainly is a worthy cause for those of you who might need an incentive.
Anyhow, for those of you who live near a JoAnn's get yourself over there this week! Almost everything is on sale! I have been celebrating this Year of Gluttony by adding to my fabric stash. I never knew I had it in me to covet fabric. With Valentine's Day patterns at 60% off, who wouldn't? As soon as they are all washed and ironed (in process), I will post my beautiful selections. I went there on the excuse of buying a new needle for my ancient (but well-loved) Kenmore sewing machine, but I couldn't resist. It's like being a kid in a candy store.....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Happy New Year! (#3)

I am notably absent from the table, as I was taking the pictures! However, Bob did manage to snap a cute one of Nathan and I.

My next post should include some of the projects I've been working on...some are also featured over at flickr. I've finished most of my contribution for the Made for China project. I feel very honored to take part in this. Check out the link for Kidding Around if you would like to find out more or contribute to it yourself.
Off to fold laundry, iron some of my new fabric stash, and then to Joann's for a new needle for the sewing machine. I don't know if this was the original needle, but even so, my sweet grandmother has been deceased for almost 16 years, so it was at least that old. That's a well made needle!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Beautiful Day... (#2)

I hope to have more pics up soon, but you can see I've added a link to Flickr on the sidebar. I've got more than enough WIPs to fill up this page and then some, but I'll try to limit myself. I'm still figuring out all of the technology here, so please be patient, as this is only Day 2 in blogland.
If you are a wanna-be crafter like me, check out my links. These ladies are really gifted and so inspirational.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I do confess.....(#1)
So...I've really been inspired by all those truly crafty people out there....It's also been a bit of therapy to me. You see, despite living this completely wonderful with my super fantastic husband (Bob) and two wildly active and completely adorable little boys (Will, 3 years, and Nathan, 15 mos.), I was completely unhappy. To make a long blog short, I finally faced up to what I had suspected all along (PPD) and got some help for it. It's still a one-day-at-a-time process, but I am no longer in that black hole just existing. I am thriving and loving life! And so I thank all of you for your blogs that have helped me find my creative side again...And when I figure out how to do the links and all that, I will properly acknowledge you.
Anyhow....I've got a lot of WIPs going on right now...trying to hide the needles (knitting and sewing), glue, and other possible implements of self-torture from my little ones. Will is already a crafter in the making, so my scraps and such are finding uses in his room. Nathan loves how fun ribbons our two older "babies" (the kitties - Sydney and Dixie) love to chase him and the ribbons around the house...And, as all you moms out there know, finding "alone" time to work on my "krafts" (yes, I do love to use "quotes" and probably not always correctly, Mom, you English teacher you). So my crafts, as well as my spirit, are continual works in progress.
Now off to work on one or two things while the boys are napping....